Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) are a type of dwelling unit that is located (inside or detached from a main home) on a single parcel of land or lot for the purpose of providing independent living facilities separate from the main home. They are commonly known as mother-in-law apartments, granny flats, basement apartments, garage apartments, backyard cottages, etc. The goal of an ADU is to allow for more affordable housing opportunities for people at different stages of their life as well as allow for additional social or personal support for homeowners.
For Internal Accessory Dwelling Units (IADUs):
Upon receipt of the required documentation and any associated fees, the Planning Department will be reviewing your application for adherence to the Box Elder County Land Use Management and Development Code. Upon department approval, you will then need to record an Affidavit and Notice of IADU with the Box Elder County Recorder’s Office. Your permit will then be issued and you can file a building permit to get construction under way.
For detached Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs):
Upon receipt of the required documentation and any associated fees, the Planning Department will be reviewing your application for adherence to the Box Elder County Land Use Management and Development Code. During the review process, your application will be reviewed by county staff for final approval. Upon staff approval, you will then need to record an Affidavit and Notice of ADU with the Box Elder County Recorder’s Office. Your permit will then be issued and you can file a building permit to get construction under way.
Required Documents
For Internal Accessory Dwelling Units (IADUs), the following documents are required at the time of application:
- Site Plan (drawn to scale) showing location of proposed IADU, dimensions from property lines, etc.
- Permitted Use Permit Community Development Application
For detached Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), the following documents are required at the time of application:
- Site Plan (drawn to scale) showing location of proposed ADU, dimensions from property lines, etc.
- Current square footage of existing home and proposed square footage of ADU.
- Administrative Conditional Use Permit (ACUP) Community Development Application
Additional Information
- Chapter 5-6: Accessory Dwelling Units (Box Elder County Land Use Code)