
Horticulture: Class A

  • Lot 1  - Seniors
  • Lot 2 –  Intermediates
  • Lot 3 –  Juniors
  • Lot 4 - 4-H

Floral Design: Class B  

  • Lot 1 – Seniors
  • Lot 2 – Intermediates
  • Lot 3 – Juniors
  • Lot 4 – 4-H
  • 4-H: Class C               
  • Lot 1 all entries


Horticulture Division: 1st-$2.00; 2nd-$1.00; 3rd- $.50.
Floral Design Division: 1st - $3.00; 2nd - $2.00; 3rd - $1.00
4-H Division:  1st - $3.00; 2nd - $2.00; 3rd - $1.00

General Rules

These rules are in addition to the general rules of the fair association.

  1. The show is open to exhibitors of Box Elder County. There shall be no more than one entry per person in each class. An exhibitor cannot compete against himself.
  2. Exhibits will be accepted on Tuesday from 6-8 p.m. and Wednesday 8-9:30 a.m. For your own advantage, we strongly recommend that you bring flowers­­ Wednesday morning because all flowers will be judged as freshly cut. No entries will be accepted after 9:30 a.m.
  3. If items cannot be left for exhibit until 9:30 p.m. Saturday, please do not enter items. Exhibits Supervisors will be on hand to return exhibits at 9:30 p.m. Saturday. We will not be responsible for items not collected by 10:30 p.m.
  4. Articles exhibited at previous fairs, such as a dried arrangement will not be permitted to enter for competition.
  5. All entries must be filled out completely on a regular entry form. All varieties of flowers in the Horticulture Division must be named or identified. Correct naming may be a deciding factor in close competition.
  6. Exhibitors must furnish their own containers. Cut flower entries in the Horticulture Division should be exhibited in a plain glass container. Containers need to fit the exhibit (no big flowers in baby bottles). The owners name should be placed on the underside of the container. THE COMMITTEE WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOSS OR BREAKAGE.
  7. Flowers in the Horticulture Division must be grown by the exhibitor three months prior to the show. Flowers for the Floral Design Division need not be grown by the exhibitor.
  8. Groom entries carefully. Remove leaves that will be under water in the exhibit. Only natural foliage on any plant will be allowed in the Horticulture Division.
  9. Be sure to use the correct number of flowers required by the schedule. Flowers in the Horticulture Division are judged for uniformity in size and development.
  10. All participants in the Floral Design Division must be prepared to state the class for which their exhibit was designed. Arrangers choose the material used in all classes unless otherwise stated in that class. Do not make an arrangement which does not fit into a class. Any type of material such as moss, pebbles, wood, etc. used to cover the mechanics is permitted. Accessories are permitted in all classes, but must be connected to the arrangement and not separate.
  11. The committee shall have the right to remove at any time an exhibit or part of exhibit which has become unsightly or infested by insects.
  12. Do not bring the following poisonous plants: Datura (Jimson Weed, Moonflower), Castor Bean or Night Shade.